Everything in medicine stems from Radiology

Everything in medicine stems from radiology. Radiology is not only used to diagnose medical conditions, but it is also used to treat certain diseases. There are 2 branches of radiology: a) interventional, and b). diagnostic.

Interventional radiology is the branch of radiology which provides minimally invasive image guided diagnosis and treatment of diseases. This technology in some cases can eliminate the need for general surgery, scopes to diagnosis & treats certain conditions. As a result, patients are often awake during the procedure or under very mild sedation; which requires a much shorter recovery period.

Diagnostic radiology refers to the field of medicine that uses noninvasive imaging technology to identify and treat certain diseases. This technology can be used for a wide variety of things from broken bones to heart issues to prenatal care.

It is important, however, to understand that in many cases, a second opinion on either interventional or diagnostic radiology is important. Before going through any procedure, or after receiving results, make sure to take into consideration a second opinion by a well-qualified doctor. These will either re-assure you that the plan put forth by the doctor is correct; or it will let you know there are other ways to treat the disease or situation in hand. In today’s world, it makes sense to always look for a second opinion before deciding on such an important decision.

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