Patients Want to KnowMore about Medical Mistakes

Think about it, if you were the victim of a medical mistake, wouldn’t you want to know how it happened? Sure you would.

That’s the idea behind new research from Washington University School of Medicine. The university’s team conducted a number of focus group studies with doctors and patients separately and doctors and patients together.

What they found was patients wanted to know if a mistake happened during their treatment, why it happened and how it could be prevented in the future. Oh and they also wanted an apology. Not surprising.

Doctors on the other hand were less inclined to admit an error because of the barriers that prevent them from doing so. For instance, most medical institutions prevent admission of mistakes for legal reasons fearing a lawsuit will be filed against the facility.

Researchers suggest a blame-free culture would help ease patient’s mind and restore trust in the doctor-patient relationship. And that could ultimately lead to less medical malpractice lawsuits.

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